

drai·​sine | \ drāˈzēn, drāˈzēnə, drīˈzēnə\ plural -s

At workshops, seminars, barcamps and conferences everybody likes to discuss education, but do we actually move forward during these things? The most interesting discussions happen during coffee breaks and lunches – people are relaxed, enjoy a good conversations and feel more comfortable sharing ideas and discussing opinions.

A draisine traditionally can only move forward when both parties involved are engaged and there is a give and take. On the educationdraisine Podcast we will have longform conversations, share ideas, discuss and debate experiences and questions surrounding education – what are differences between education systems? what are the biggest issues in education? what kind of education system are actually talking about? how do we go about solving the issues we face?

Let’s get on the track and join me on this journey through education.